The Underestimated
We were tapped by the Minnesota Twins to craft a game-changing campaign for their 2021 season. The dynamic work defies Minnesota’s reputation as a second-tier market, or flyover state, turning outsiders' misconceptions of the Midwest into a challenge to “underestimate us at your own risk.”
The Minnesota Twins had a problem: they wanted to grab the attention of the next generation of baseball fans, without alienating their die-hard, lifetime fans. The Twins had a second problem too: they didn’t have a partner who could work more dynamically and collaboratively, aligned with how they wanted to work.
We assembled an international team of 2D and 3D designers to tackle the project. Some were lifelong baseball fans and others had limited knowledge of the game—allowing us to break new ground while maintaining respect for the sport and its culture. Together we brought a sense of nostalgia (8-bit gaming) into a post-modern digital design future.
Client: Minnesota Twins
Agency: Los York